Conflict Summary
Death Guard interdiction teams have executed hit and run strikes against imperial forces stationed on Cleron 4763. Astra Militarum regiments currently stationed on the planet have been unsuccessful guarding against these attacks.
The initial attacks were performed by heretic astartes that appeared in small groups attacking outposts closest to dense areas of population. The attacks are becoming more frequent and the heretics are appearing in larger numbers with each attack, often accompanied by a horde of poxwalkers forming a shield of the undead. This horde has grown with each subsequent engagement.
The Nitro Syndicate company of the Astra Militarum has been deployed to guard against what is feared to be a massed attack against Cleron 4763’s storage and shipping sector. The objective of the heretics is unknown however there are numerous chemical and biological weapons that cannot fall into the hands of Mortarion’s sons.
Astra Militarum
The 29th Penal Reformatory Conglomerate, known as the Nitro Syndicate, is the system of of oligarchs, corrupt officials, and vast prison infrastructure that keeps tithes of life and promethium flowing to the Imperium at large. This perverse machinery that spares so many the privilege of death ensures that prisons are full, and that excess convicts are sent to fill the ranks of Astra Militarum conscripts needed on battlefields near and far.
Death Guard
The Carrion Hounds, a warband of the fallen 14th legion, have an overarching objective…. turning all of humanity into a shambling horde of infectious undead. They are particularly interested in collecting more notable victims of the walking pox to display as a collection of macabre puppets to entertain themselves and their deity, Nurgle.
Mission 1
A new commander of the Carrion Hounds emerged. The Chaos Lord Prosterno lead his forces to victory in this 2000 point battle. Nitro Syndicate troops relentlessly held their lines against hordes of the undead. They simultaneously destroyed all of the carriers of the walking pox and grievously wounded Necrosius the Undying. The power of two Bane Wolfs was too much for the sorcerer of Nurgle to withstand. The Carrion Hounds were accompanied by daemons of nurgle including piles of chattering nurglings, a Poxbringer accompanied by his servant Sloppity Bile Piper and a hulking Soul Grinder. The Soul Grinder of Nurgle was later found wanting as the Leman Russ battle tanks were destroyed before the daemon engine could close the gap and unleash its Iron Claw into their rear armour. The Poxbringer of Nurgle suffered a similar event on the battlefield as it wildly swung its plaguesword in every direction other than at its rivals, perhaps Nurgles blessings were too much for this never-borns eyesight.
The battle raged for the better part of the day and as it came to an end the Astra Militarum were forced into a tactical withdrawal as the Carrion Hounds overwhelmed this shipping complex.

Inspired Tactics
Infernal Pipes. Florid Prose. The tools of the heretic are many and varied. Agents of the Imperium must remain vigilant at all times, especially those who convene with the dark energies of the Warp.
Nothin’ like the smell of burnt heresy in the morning…

Early stages of the battle found the gunlines of the Nitro Syndicate swarmed with the noxious death brought by a relentless trio of Bloat Drones.

Cleansed with Fire
Not to be outdone, Nitro special weapons teams and Bane Wolf chem cannons whittled down the hordes of poxwalkers, ultimately neutralizing Necrosius himself.