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The Deep Rock Longbeards

The Deep Rock Longbeards

Here’s the current lineup I’ve assembled for a Dwarf Treasure Hunters warband that’s been scrounged together from a 20-year-old box of metal minis, newly liberated from their dusty cardboard vault. Tasked with putting shoulder, beard, and pickaxe to good...
Grimdark Gumshoe

Grimdark Gumshoe

Grimdark Gumshoe is a video series inspired by the Necromunda setting, centered around a private detective character named Griff Stubber and has a strong film noir influence. We started in the early stages of the COVID lockdown and only made a few short videos. Check...
House Goliath Big Wigs

House Goliath Big Wigs

I wanted to make a gang that had some kind of twist on the standard aesthetic of the various Houses and decided to start with the Goliath gang from the starter boxed set.  The idea of a brute squad of Goliath gangers who thought they were just a little too important...
Necromunda Board

Necromunda Board

A board that’s fun to look at and play on can make all the difference. With the re release of Necromunda we decided it would be a great time to make a new board to go with...
Cult of Yog

Cult of Yog

The Cult of Yog is a chaos space marine successor chapter of the Word Bearer’s legion that has righteous zealotry dialed up to 11. In the lore of Conan the Barbarian by Robert E Howard Yog is a deity worshipped by tribes of cannibals and I took inspiration from...