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Geordie “One-Brush Laser Face McTreeTree” (and Petri) Hicks

“I used to work for Privateer Press” – Geordie Hicks

Hopelessly unreasonable yet riddled with logic, Geordie approaches every project like it will be his last. This man is horny for any game involving ten guys or fewer. He will gladly paint warbands for every skirmish game available before committing to a full army roster. Highly competitive, Geordie refuses to allow anyone access to his prized golden dice. Quickly becoming a cornered beast should the tides of a game ever turn against him. Geordie often sings the praises his heroes – Shaquile O’niel, Jesus Christ (JC), and the Latham brothers (Darren & Ricky).

See all of Geordie’s Posts

Drew, aka Dactyl, “the Self-Reinforcing Stoke Machine” Albares

So maybe Drew doesn’t “get” rap, maybe he doesn’t “get” long hair; but if you prop a funnel into the Dactyl’s eager gullet and start dumping java through it, you better believe he’s going to strap your irradiated carcass to “The Power of a Thousand Suns” and ride you like a chariot in to the center of a dying star. He once famously painted 60 models in two days. The LemonCello Fellow, Drew is the hobby daddy you always wanted. He will grind out A+ models until the cows come home and then he will milk those cows, drink that milk and get straight back to grinding. Once, he plowed through 60 models in a single day. Famous for unsolicited advice and the ability to dial any old mannequin up to a 2.0 quality automaton, once you enter his hobby lobby you better be ready for a thick stack of homework. I heard Drew once painted 60 models in the time it took the write this blurb.

See all of Drew’s Posts

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